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Salmon Matter, Episode 3: Eelgrass & Kelp, Vital for Pacific Salmon Survival
Salmon Matter, Episode 5: An Introduction to the Strait of Georgia Data Centre (w Ben Skinner)
Salmon Matter, Episode 4: PSF’s Hatchery Effectiveness Research (w Sam James, Biologist, PSF)
Salmon Health and Salmon Farms (w/ Dr. Andrew Bateman) - Salmon Matter
Salmon Matter, Episode 2: Big Bar - Big Problem
Salmon Survival Documentary - Ace Documentary
Key Findings from our Salish Sea Project: Pathogens, Predators, and Production
Dr. Brooke Love — Ocean acidification in the Salish Sea: Herring and eelgrass in the future
Forage Fish & the Puget Sound Food Web
Zoë Kitchel (Rutgers) – Implications of climate driven range shifts in marine species
Dr Meriwether Wilson - Ocean Futures: Balancing Blue Growth and Conservation
Zoom Series - Shark Biology and Conservation with Sharks4Kids Jillian Morris